The Library of Poetry
A Thousand Thousand Eyes

by Alexial DeTeersa


Nostalgia | A Thousand Thousand Eyes | And If I Die Before I Wake... | Angel Tears | Screaming in Silence | Smooth Lies | What is Hope? | Falling Into Nothing | Twilight's Harmony | Untitled | Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 | Heartbeat | Messiah

I turn, searching around me
The bleak, deep void stares at me in return
A thousand thousand eyes watching me
I begin to run,
My legs hurt
My lungs burn
My heart pumps
And still a thousand thousand eyes watch
And yet do nothing
I stand, surrounded by these eyes
And fall to my knees,
My fingers brush the ground
I gasp, and pull back my hand
Red drops,
The color of roses,
Trickle down my hand,
Down my arm,
To fall without a sound in the dust
You came to me when there was nowhere to hide
I was lain bare
By a thousand thousand eyes
The blood of my body,
The blood of my kin,
The blood of my foes
All mix together in a pool of crimson hatred
A number
That's all I was
I hide behind you,
Clutching at your robes,
While a thousand thousand eyes look on
Lost, indeed
A Lost Child of the Light
I am no more at home here than
When I was surrounded by nothing more
Than a thousand thousand eyes

This poem is about a character of mine named Shadow. I'm hoping to write his story someday, as well as his two sisters', and that of two of his friends, Yoarashi and An'ai. Granted, that won't happen for a long, long time, I'm sure, but I'm working on it. Each of my characters has a theme poem, if you will. "A Thousand Thousand Eyes" is rather like how Shadow feels when he is welcomed into his new community of vampires when he is first changed, but even still he has never felt quite at home with the Akariji: the Children of the Light. He himself is known as Ma'Akaraji: The Lost Child of the Light.